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Bath and Wells MAT





The purpose of assessment is to support pupils to learn and develop, gaining the skills and knowledge they need to succeed and be ready for the next stage in their education.

Assessment should:

1.    inform teaching and improve learning

2.    be valid, reliable, consistent and fit for purpose

3.    comprise both formative and summative elements

4.    describe how well the pupil has learnt the curriculum

5.    be manageable and create timely, actionable information

6.    have pupils at its centre in order to be inclusive and equitable

Our approach to assessment fills knowledge gaps, ensuring clear progression across all year groups. 'At a glance' planning documents and knowledge organisers highlight key information and vocabulary. Regular formative assessments, including live marking and mini-quizzes, help guide teaching and address misconceptions. Summative assessments, such as SATs practice and end-of-unit evaluations, provide comprehensive data to monitor pupil progress.