School Opening Times
Times of our School Day
updated January 31st 2025
Gates open: 8.35
Classrooms open for morning lessons: 08:45
Registration: 08:55 ( children arriving after 9am will result in a ‘L’ late register mark and will need to enter school through the office)
Morning Break: 10:45 – 11:00
Year R,1 & 2 12:00-13:00
Years 3—6 12:15-13:15
End of day: 15:15
Arriving Late
If you arrive when the gates are shut, please go to the visitor gate and press the buzzer, your child will be admitted to enter via the office entrance to sign in and order a school meal if required.
There is a daily act of worship for the pupils and staff.
On Tuesdays -
Owls and Kites have worship together
KS2 Phase have worship together