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Bath and Wells MAT

Our Governors

Local Governing Committee (LGC)


We currently have the following vacancies

VACANCY - Staff Governor

VACANCY - Parent Governor

nomination form

If you are interested in becoming a Governor, please see details below:

Our school Governing Committee consists of a small team of governors, from all walks of life – each of whom has the best interests of St John the Evangelist’s pupils and teachers at heart. There is an opportunity to join the Committee as a Foundation Governor and welcome interest from someone who wants to make a difference and measures reward by what they can do for others.

Foundation Governors are important members of the governing body in church schools. Whilst they do not necessarily need to be practicing Christians, Foundation Governors have a specific responsibility for monitoring and developing the Christian distinctiveness of the school.

If you would like to either have a chat in school, or by phone, to discuss the role in more detail please contact Kay White Clerk c/o the school office 

Role the of Local Governor  >

Information about our Governors:

Meet our Governors >




Bath & Wells Governance >