Welcome from Headteacher
Here at St Johns, we strive to ensure that every member of our school community is able to demonstrate Love for one another; that we are all enabled to Learn to the best of our ability: and that by working Together, We Soar to reach our greatest potential, both in our learning and in our capacity to be the best version of ourselves. Our distinctly Christian ethos underpins all that we do, and we promote and develop the values of Faith, Fellowship, Agape (Christian Love), Hope, Forgiveness and Humility, placing great importance on the mental health and wellbeing of everyone in our school community.
This is promoted in all areas of school life and underpins our approach to learning and teaching. Supporting this are six key learning behaviours that we wish to ensure every child has mastered by the time they leave school and move on to the next phase of their education. These are Individuality, Creativity, Energy, Perseverance, Bravery and Confidence. We are closely linked to St John the Evangelist Church in Clevedon, and we are also proud to be part of the family of schools that belong to the Bath & Wells Multi Academy Trust. Choosing ‘Life in all its Fullness’ underpins all that we do and believe here at St Johns. Through our rich and vibrant curriculum, we embrace each child’s individual talents and passions whilst helping them to understand and celebrate who they are and the word in which they live.
We strive to equip and prepare them for the world that they will go on to shape through igniting opportunities for everyone to achieve more than they thought possible and ensuring every member of our community is cherished, valued and nurtured in all aspects of their life. At St John’s we are committed to providing the highest possible standard of education in an environment that both motivates and empowers children and adults to become independent, lifelong learners, and good and caring citizens.
We are passionate about developing the whole child and ensuring our children are best prepared for the 21st Century, equipped with the appropriate skills and attitudes to enable them to succeed now and in the future. All staff have the highest expectations and aspirations for children in their care; they are committed to finding and developing every child’s gift and strength, through working to understand who they are and nurturing them to ensuring that they make the best possible progress and fully succeeds during their time here.
Thank you for taking the time to visit our website and I hope you find the information and answers that you require. Please do not hesitate to contact us, via the school office, if you need to know more or would like clarification on any aspect of our provision. Visitors are also always welcome in our school, to see us in action, and meet the adults and children that form and shape our warm and caring community. If you wish to arrange a visit, then do please contact the school office and we will be more than happy to arrange a suitable time.
Mrs L Harvey Executive Headteacher Mrs C Clarke Head of School