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Bath and Wells MAT

Educational Visits

We aim to make best use of our extensive and well resourced grounds to support many areas of our curriculum. 

We also use the local environment to support the children's first hand experience learning with regular visits to the beach, the town and other walkable places such as Clevedon Court, Tennyson Down and the harbour.

Visits further afield are planned into every year group where they are relevant and make best impact on the children's understanding of the theme being studied. Recent visits have included Caerleon Historic Roman Town, The Wild Place (Bristol Zoo Project), Bristol Old Vic Theatre, British Aerospace and The Bristol Hippodrome. 

Children in Year 6 spend a week in Term 6 at Deanfield Activities Centre in the Forest of Dean, undertaking a wide range of outdoor/adventurous activities such as canoeing, den building, low and high ropes activities and many more. 

Please note the charging policy has been reviewed and is awaiting ratification by the Trust Board- October 2024
