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Bath and Wells MAT


Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE)

Relationships and Sex Education (RSE)



At St John’s we recognise the importance of PSHE, including statutory relationship and health education. We believe it is important to teach sex education, giving pupils the opportunity to learn the facts about human reproduction and preparing them for later life. 

We provide the children with the building blocks for happy, healthy and respectful relationships, including online. We teach our children about how to protect themselves, stay physically and mentally healthy, including how to get support and help if needed. Our PSHE curriculum sits alongside our safeguarding duties. It teaches children how to keep themselves and others safe from harm such as bullying, physical contact and being safe online. 

We encourage the outstanding citizenship of the children in relation to their contribution to society. We want them to manage their behaviour outside of school and use their initiative to keep themselves and others safe. We want the children to understand the importance of charity and have an awareness of international news. 




We follow a clear, progressive scheme of work called Jigsaw ‘The mindful approach to PSHE’, which brings consistency and progression to learning. The children receive weekly planned lessons, which build upon their previous knowledge with the opportunity to revisit some of the skills taught (spiral curriculum).  

Jigsaw consists of six half term puzzles (units) each containing six lessons, each piece has two learning intentions, which link to relationship and health education and the development of emotional literacy and social skills. 


 Term 1 : Being in my world 

 Term 2: Celebrating difference (including anti bullying) 

 Term 3: Dreams and Goals 

 Term 4: Healthy me 

 Term 5: Relationships 

 Term 6: Changing me 


Each puzzle starts with a whole school assembly, ensuring each year group studies the same puzzle at the same time, often ending with a whole school piece or class display. 

Each year group has a Jigsaw charter, which underpins the behaviour and expectations for each lesson. We are mindful of the different learning styles and the need for differentiation, teachers have the freedom to adapt and plan for the individual needs of their class as necessary. 

 We also have a special days and weeks, which gives us an extra opportunity to tailor the curriculum to meet the current needs of our children. 

 Our learning mentor is available to support individuals during/ after lessons and teachers are aware of the safeguarding procedures to follow if a disclosure is shared during a PSHE session. 

The subject leader monitors the subject through pupil discussion, work scrutiny and discussions with colleagues. We are also able moderate across the federation and share good practice. 

Staff have access to Jigsaw CPD via the school’s login and through our PSHE association membership. The subject leader uses staff meeting time to ensure all staff are supported with the delivery of our PSHE curriculum. 




Our children are happy, confident and respectful members of the school community. They can talk about ways to keep themselves safe and healthy. Our PSHE curriculum has given them the skills needed to play an active role in society, such as taking part in competitions, community events and wider opportunities.