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Bath and Wells MAT

Physical Education

" Sport has the power to change the world... to inspire...to unite people, it speaks to youth in a language they understand." -Nelson Mandela



PE is a vital part of school life and ultimately children’s future mental and physical well-being.  It is therefore our intent to provide an inclusive, broad and balanced PE curriculum at St John’s which will enhance existing skill as well as learning new skills and be introduced to new sports, clubs, teams and organisations.   

It is our intent at St John’s to ensure children understand the importance of leading a healthy lifestyle and to equip them with the tools to do so through health and well-being education. Children must understand how to take care of themselves both physically and mentally in order to be successful as adults.   

Beyond merely a subject, we believe that participation in sporting activity is a key element of developing a school in which pupils are proud of the community in which they belong. We believe that this is another way we can positively encourage our children to be active members of the community.  




* At St John's, we design our PE curriculum using the Get Set 4 PE scheme of work.  We provide challenging and enjoyable learning opportunities through a range of sporting activities including: invasion games, net and wall games, strike and field games, gymnastics, dance, swimming and outdoor and adventure. In PE lessons we provide the children with personal challenges for them to be the best that they can be.

Our Medium Term plans outline the PE units that are taught in each group and ensures that the requirements of the National Curriculum are met. To support the teachers with high quality PE lessons, we employ RMC Sport to work alongside the children and teachers. This also provides CPD for the teachers in a variety of sporting activities and gymnastics. 

We value the Government Active 60 minutes and ensure that our children take part in the 30 active minutes during the school day. This included a range of movement/workout videos, breath work and 'K a Day.' 

Through our swimming lessons at Strode Leisure Centre, 161 of our KS2 children (Year 3 - 6) also enjoyed swimming locally with 98% of year 6 children who attended the swimming lessons able to swim 25m.

As a school, we are a member of the NSSEPA – this provides the school links to events, curriculum support, CPD and support from local schools. We take part in Level 1 competitions within our school community as well as encouraging all children to compete at NSSPEA festivals and competitions. 

Mindfulness sessions are ran by an external expert provider  (Alex) to help children to develop their social and emotional resilience. We recognise the importance of mental-wellbeing as well as physical. Links are made between these sessions and our Jigsaw (PSCHE) curriculum. 

Our Year 6 students attend a residential camp yearly where the children take part in a range of outdoor and adventure activities including: climbing, abseiling, zip line, orienteering, low ropes, tunnelling, night walk and initiative exercises. These activities build up self-belief and confidence as well as physical skills. 

 We encourage children to take part in extra-curricular activities provided by the school and external agencies.  We provide pathways for children to explore a range of activities outside of school and have made links with local clubs and societies. These opportunities are communicated to parents via newsletters and direct invites. 

We encourage visits from sporting organisations. Recent visits include Matt Rogers Tennis Coaching. 


* By taking part in a variety of competitions – children experience different venues and facilities. They widen their horizons and see their potential on a wider scale. This includes taking part in the Annual Somerset Dance Festival held at The Playhouse in Weston Super-Mare. 

* We value our whole school Sports Day – the children take a balance of competition and taking part. The children compete in cross-phase house teams with the older children leading their team through a range of activities. Parents are encouraged to attend to give the children a sense of occasion. 

* By taking part in a variety of competitions – children experience different venues and facilities. They widen their horizons and see their potential on a wider scale. This includes taking part in the Annual Somerset Dance Festival held at The Playhouse in Weston Super-Mare. Also, the children are given opportunities to officiate and lead at different competitions. 




Physical Education has a high profile in our school and we motivate all children to take part in a variety of sports through quality teaching that is engaging, safe and fun. Our children learn to take responsibility for their own health and fitness both in school and at home.  Our school has been extremely successful in sporting competitions, reaching the finals at National, County, Regional and Local level.  PE and competition is celebrated in our school. 

We are well-resourced and our PE shed continues equipment for our PE lessons; we have superb grounds for outdoor activities; and a hall for dance and gym. 


Curriculum Overview

 PE Curriculum Overview


Sports Premium 

Sports Premium 24 - 25