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Bath and Wells MAT

Pupil Leadership


House Captains

Each year, we elect House Captains from our Y6 children. Pupils prepare and deliver speeches to their house and a vote is carried out. These children then organise a whole host of different activities for fundraising; help out at Summer and Christmas Fetes; motivate and encourage their houses (especially on Sports Day!); help collate and communicate weekly house points; and listen to their houses about improvements they want to see with the house system. The House Captains help instil collective pride and a sense of community in their houses. House Captains also help with admissions tours, showing families around the school they love and explaining what makes St John's so special. 


School Council Representatives

Children who would like to represent their class can stand for election on the School Council. These children meet with Mrs Clark regularly and discuss their classes view points. They may take part in local initiatives; held a vote on how money is to be spent or how a part of the day could be changed; and share pupil voice with external visitors. 



Year 6 children volunteer to work with KS1 children at lunchtimes. They design and run games to keep the KS1 children active and happy during their break times. Mr Cox, our sports coach, helps to train the Playleaders so that they are confident to run games independently. The Playleaders build amazing bonds with the younger children, who get the benefit of being entertained and of getting to know the older pupils in the school. 


Reading Champions

We also have opportunities for Reading Champions.

Children who love Reading can apply to be a Reading Champion. They complete an Application Form and their Class Teacher then selects the best candidate (in KS1) or two candidates (in KS2) to be Class Reading Champion(s) for the year. They have a Reading Champion badge.

Mrs Henderson holds meetings with Reading Champions throughout the year. They share book reviews in our Reading Services; assist at our Whole School Book Swaps; and help plan and organise World Book Day activities.