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Bath and Wells MAT

School Uniform

At St John's, we believe that wearing uniform is a really important part of belonging to our school community and children wear this with pride. Please support us in ensuring your child is wearing the correct uniform and all items of clothing are clearly labelled with your child's name.

We offer the option of branded items but there is no expectation that these are worn. We also have pre-loved uniform available from the school office so that we can be economically and environmentally friendly. Please see our policy below for further details. 

School uniform:

- Bottle green jumper or cardigan

- Gold or white polo shirt

- Grey or black trousers / shorts / knee length skirts or pinafores

- Green and white gingham or striped summer dress

- Black, grey or white socks, or black, grey or dark green tights

- Black shoes, no open toes

All uniform items are readily available at supermarkets and there is no expectation that children wear branded items.  


PE kit:

For PE lessons and games children (except Owls) should come to school wearing their PE kit.

- Gold or white t-shirt

- Plain black shorts/skort or plain black jogging bottoms, as weather dictates

- Black trainers (or daps if indoors)

- All PE clothing should be free from obvious branding

Children in Owls (Year R) should have their PE kit in a suitable labelled bag to keep on their peg. 



- A basic watch, one pair of stud/sleeper earrings are permitted but must be removed for PE, games or swimming lessons

- Long hair should be tied back for PE, D.T/art and cooking activities

- Make-up / nail varnish are not permitted in school


Preloved Uniform:

We have a small selection of preloved items available to purchase from our uniform rail, please ask the office for more details.


Branded uniform: 

Our branded uniform is provided by Monmark, who are based in Clevedon.  Please visit their online shop to view and purchase items: 

St John the Evangelist Church School – Clevedon Schools Uniform